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In the Terms and Condition the Term User refers to SolarNow employee, commissioned Agent, Contracted Salesperson whose credentials also appear on the SolarNow ERP (SAS).
The Android app can be downloaded free of charge from Google Play and used on Android phones running Android 5.0 or higher. By downloading the Android app, the Users indicate their agreement to these terms and conditions of use (“the Terms and Conditions of Use”). The Terms and Conditions of Use may be altered in accordance with SolarNow General Terms and Conditions. If they reject the Terms and Conditions of Use, Users must refrain from using the Android app. The Terms and Conditions of Use define the rules applicable to the use of the Android app and Transactions carried out by the Users using this app. Unless expressly su perseded by the Terms and Conditions of Use, SolarNow General Terms and Conditions, available from the website https://www.solarnow.eu, remain applicable with regard to the use of the Android app and the Transactions carried out by the user using this app. Users accessing the Android app are also subject to the Terms and Conditions of SolarNow staff Code of Conduct and other HR and Sales Organization terms and conditions.
The Android app allows the Users to access certain services of SolarNow ERP (SAS) while online (connected to the internet) and offline (disconnected from internet).
Access to certain services of SolarNow ERP using this app is made through a device or a combination of devices, personal to the User and allowing Users to identify themselves to SolarNow remotely through log in and carry out Transactions. SolarNow is entitled to implement new Personal Access and Security Devices or modify existing Personal Access and Security Devices at any time in order to optimize the security of its systems or this Android App.
Users can personalize the Android app transactions with photos uploaded to their personal photo library captured in line with the transaction. If Users want to take advantage capturing testimonials using the android app, they must comply with the terms and conditions set out. SolarNow also reserves the right to suspend this facility at any time without having to justify its decision. If the User uploads a photo or an image from outside the photo library provided by SolarNow, the photo or image must not contravene the law or the rights of third parties, including intellectual property rights such as copyright, rights to drawings and models. The User promises to supply SolarNow, on request, with proof of the right to use this photo or image. SolarNow reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to reject certain photos or to remove them after they have been uploaded.
The following are not allowed under any circumstances:Photos containing portraits
Names of celebrities,
Drawings or paintings;
Extracts from comic strips;
Logos and names of companies,
Products or services (including abbreviations)
Advertisements or calls to purchase (including publicity and calls to purchase for the company, products or services of the client, or third party),
Addresses (Phone numbers, E-mail addresses, website addresses, etc.
The following will be permitted as transactional proof permitted;Photos or images containing identity photos
Statements (Financial institutions) or equivalent.
Clients must acknowledge and accept that identity documents will be used by SolarNow and stored on SolarNow servers. Insofar as they contain personal data, they are subject to the provisions of General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR). Users may only upload photo and documents for clients in the photo library for the purposes specified in the contractual documents binding Clients to SolarNow and Users to SolarNow. Under no circumstances must they pass these photos on to third parties or use them for other purposes, whether commercial or private.
Users are required to use the Android app in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Use and in accordance with all applicable contractual conditions between them and SolarNow. Without prejudice to the other SolarNow security measures set, Users are also required to comply with the following security measures;Never to allow a third party to use a tablet or smartphone onto which they have downloaded the Android app.
To lock the tablet or smartphone or to use its auto-lock function and to never leave it unattended.
In order to prevent the use of their tablet or Smartphone without their knowledge utilize all the safeguards with which their tablet or smartphone is equipped; If Users turns off these safeguards, they will be responsible for any loss or damage that may result therefrom.
Not to modify the Android app or the Android in any way.
Users are also reminded that in the event of loss, theft or the risk of the misuse to Notify SolarNow of this straight away, by contacting the Help Desk (+256 788 916 626), any SolarNow working day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. This phone call should be confirmed the same day by an e-mail sent to ictsupport@SolarNow.eu.
SolarNow shall place a block on all access via the Personal Access and Security Devices concerned by this Notification at the latest on the Day following receipt of this Notification. SolarNow reserves the right to discontinue the Android app at any time if it considers this pertinent for reasons relating to the security of this app or for any other reason, subject to the notice period required by law, if applicable.
The content, dates of receipt and sending of any information communicated using the Android app, stored by SolarNow on SolarNow data storage medium, may serve as evidence until proven otherwise, in the same way as a signed original written paper document. SolarNow may prove any Transaction carried out using the Android app by any appropriate electronic means. The uneditable access traces recorded in SolarNow computer systems shall constitute proof of this access.
The Terms and Conditions of Use and, unless otherwise agreed, all the rights and obligations of both the User and SolarNow are governed by Uganda and Kenya law. In the event of a dispute, SolarNow dispute mechanism will kick in.
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